Hostage Families

The Israeli families struggling to free their loved ones

Hostage Families The families of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza are struggling to free their loved ones. For more than seven months they have fought tirelessly in an effort to free those most dear to them.
The Israeli hostage families have lobbied world leaders, confronted their own Government, and pressured Hamas via Qatar and Egypt, in the hopes to free their loved ones. "I'm still in 7th of October, because my sister is still in captivity for all this time. And we still need her to be back for us to start processing these events" says Alon, who is lobbying Israeli and world leaders to help release Carmel. At a stretcher march, organised to raise awareness of the hostages taken by Hamas on October 7th, Ruby says "we are asking from the people of Israel to carry the stretcher with us. To help bring the hostages to safety." With Netanyahu's popularity at an all time low, the hostage families have faith in his opponent Benny Gantz, who insists "we will continue fighting. We will continue to do everything in our capacity to bring them home."

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