The Orange Revolution
The women behind Ukraine's Orange Revolution
At Ukraine's Spring Festival, the main centre of attraction is a little boy. Viktor Yushchenko has brought his whole family. "My husband has made it very clear that he wants to have an open policy," explains photogenic wife, Kateryna. "He wants to end the period where the public knew nothing about their leaders." Even before the Orange Revolution, she played a leading role in her husband's campaign. But it's the support of another woman, Yulia Tymoshenko, that may well have secured his victory. In the 1990s, she made millions buying up state assets. She was imprisoned for corruption which only increased her popularity. Credited with rallying the crowds, she's now Prime Minister and in charge of the country's economy. It's a difficult job. Ukraine may have the trappings of a proud state but, as Yuschenko readily admits, it's still wracked by corruption. "The law didn't work here for years." Invigorated by victory, Yuschenko and Tymoshenko have vowed to reform Ukraine's systems. But leading this factious nation will be the biggest challenge of their lives.