India's Women Fight Back

The Fight for Justice: Women Confront Rape and Injustice in India

India's Women Fight Back Sexual violence sparks protests across India as women fight for justice and equality. Activists and lawyers demand change in a society where violence, discrimination, and legal delays persist.
“She’s our daughter, our sister, our mother. That’s why I am here,” says one protester, as thousands take to the streets in the summer of 2024, demanding justice for women. With more than 50 million sexual violence cases pending in Indian courts, many victims give up on legal battles, forced into out-of-court settlements. Activists are leading the charge to bring this issue to the public eye, determined to make their voices heard. “Women are ready to fight to claim their rights. I think we are moving towards a safer society,” says Rumjhum Sinha. But for many, especially those from lower castes, the struggle is greater. As Dalit activist Manjula Pradeep explains, “They face more violence and discrimination. Sexual violence is used as a tool to oppress the community.”

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