Penguin Murders
The South African penguin murder mystery
At midnight on 27 May 2001, a group of assailants broke into the aquarium in South Africa's 'East London' beachfront and bludgeoned nine penguins to a pulp. Who committed the attack?
This bloody act still haunts the residents of this once-thriving city. Who
are the Penguin Murderers? And what impulse drove them as they stabbed and
There are many theories, and no easy answers. It has been suggested that
the killings were part of some satanic ritual. Or that they may have been
a revenge attack by perlemoen smugglers. To date, a teenage girl has
confessed to the killings and been found guilty. But many believe she was
not alone and her accomplices still roam the streets of the city.
Once a thriving industrial centre, East London is now in serious decline.
People who sustained themselves by manufacturing motor cars have been
tossed to the tides of history. White privilege has gone forever and with
it, a comfortably familiar social order.
The Penguin Murders reveals the anxiety and disorder seething beneath the
surface of this decaying city. It is the story of jagged lives that now
litter a once-idyllic landscape. Directed by Sara Blecher, it was filmed by
Dennis Goddard and edited by Riaan Geldenhuys.
Produced by SABC Special Assignment