Osama's Best Friend
Meet Jamal Khalifa, Osama Bin Laden's Best Friend
We offer the first profile and interview ever recorded with Saudi businessman Jamal Khalifa, Osama Bin Laden's brother-in-law, and by Khalifa' s own admission his "best friend for ten years".
Known to terror experts as the Godfather of al Qaeda in South East Asia Khalifa is believed to have set up the Abu Sayyaf terrorism group in the Philippines. In this short documentary Khalifa discusses the long list of accusations against him, including his alleged involvement in planning and financing the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing, in planning to assassinate the Pope and in creating the blueprint for the September 11 attacks. Khalifa is also at the centre of the court case being brought by the families of September 11 victims against members of Saudi Arabia's elite, who they claim funded the attack. Khalifa, who now runs a fish restaurant in Jeddah, says he is innocent but does not deny any of the circumstantial evidence against him.