
Islamisation A historic report on Bosnia's efforts to curb ethnic cleansing. Although self-styling itself as a multinational country to its European neighbours, dissent and intolerance remains in the streets. When one government controls policy, the military and the media, the new-found democracy seems perilously fragile.
Former Prime Minister H. Silajdzic argues that the state is in danger of collapsing. He says, "Peace will be short lived if urgent measures are not taken to reintegrate the people of Bosnia." Democracy is also under threat. With food and public transport now available and the streets free from snipers, the ruling Muslim SDA party is determined to hold onto power. Iranian elements in the SDA are also alarming the US and the European community. But E. Bicakcic, Vice-president of the SDA, says that Iran provided aid "when help from Europe was not forthcoming".

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