3 films Found
...poWerful and intelligent documentary searching for...
A powerful and intelligent documentary searching for answers to the horrors that occurred in Bosnia. Since the onset of that war journalist Ulf van Mechow has been travelling to the region. But how is Bosnia coping 8 years on? Are attitudes finally changing? How is the country coming to terms with the terrible levels of violence it endured? Made for ARTE.
...and people that still suffer from the atrocities.When Almir Garbo looks around him he doesn't see...
Former general of Bosninan Serb forces Ratko Mladic has been found guilty of genocide and sentenced to life in prison. This report returns to the country and people that still suffer from the atrocities.
...Bosnia, children born of Wartime rape are beginning to come to terms With...
In Bosnia, children born of wartime rape are beginning to come to terms with their identity. Their struggles symbolise the challenges a whole nation faces in confronting its recent past.
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