4 films Found
It's been over a century since Brazil officially abandoned slavery. But tens of thousands of impoverished workers are still being enslaved.
Forty years ago the arrival of the female contraceptive pill revolutionised 20th century sexual behaviour. Thanks to the cotton fields of Brazil, scientists have come up with the world’s first contraceptive pill for men. Produced by Mentorn
Treatments for cancer can feel worse than the disease itself, and patients need large doses of morphine to deal with pain. Using radioactive minerals and oxygen chambers, doctors in Brazil are offering alternatives.
For more than a decade Brazil has opened itself to the global economy. Yet still the richest ten per cent of its people take half the nation's income while the poorest 40 per cent live on less than two dollars a day. The measures Brazil has taken to save its currency -- steps that have thus far satisfied fast-moving global markets -- are hurting the poor and the lower middle class. What's ha…
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