3 films Found
...the future is looking unstable. Produced by Back to...
The Brazilian landless movement has relocated a quarter of a million people to unproductive farmland. In a country where social disparity is high, this goes against the flow of rural people moving to the city for a better chance, where they often end up in favelas.
...is undergoing rapid change. Produced by Back To...
Brazil's vast and diverse wetland system is now facing an influx of tourists - but will this influx of wealth and people traffic save or destroy it?
For more than a decade Brazil has opened itself to the global economy. Yet still the richest ten per cent of its people take half the nation's income while the poorest 40 per cent live on less than two dollars a day. The measures Brazil has taken to save its currency -- steps that have thus far satisfied fast-moving global markets -- are hurting the poor and the lower middle class. What's ha…
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