6 films Found
The harrowing plight of women and children in the Eastern DRC is exposed in this powerful short doc. Driven from their land, they work in mines as slaves in a desperate bid to protect themselves from rape.
The modern history of the Congo is a terrifying story of appalling brutality. Beginning with King Leopold II of Belgium's avaricious rape of the country and tracing the impact of this horrifying and often-forgotten crime through to the modern day, this immensely shocking doc is a heart-rending tale of a rich country destroyed by rapacious hands.
On the eve of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, this powerful report gives a voice to women in the Eastern Congo - a place the UN has called 'the rape capital of the world'.
The militias of the DRC use rape as a tactic of war, even male rape. Now they're throwing kidnapping into the terrible mix. They're combining their sexual desires with fund raising.
It should be the happiest days of their lives, but birth in DRC sees many mothers mourning the death of their new child. The International community says they will tackle the issues, but the problem is where to start.
Meet three Portuguese missionaries who decided it was their calling to spread the faith in some of the most war-torn and inhospitable communities on the planet.
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