4 films Found
The modern history of the Congo is a terrifying story of appalling brutality. Beginning with King Leopold II of Belgium's avaricious rape of the country and tracing the impact of this horrifying and often-forgotten crime through to the modern day, this immensely shocking doc is a heart-rending tale of a rich country destroyed by rapacious hands.
The town of Beni in the DRC is thought to have the highest count of child prostitution per population in the world. Now, a band of enterprising children are trying to protect their fellow sufferers.
In the Congolese village of Kimua the Hutu FDLR, who fled Rwanda in 1994, are wreaking havoc. Despite a UN programme to send them home they have remained, subjecting the locals to a life of fear.
On the eve of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, this powerful report gives a voice to women in the Eastern Congo - a place the UN has called 'the rape capital of the world'.
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