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After the earthquake in Sumatra all that remains of a village of over 400 people is a single bed frame. Yet more extraordinary than the scale of the disaster is the resilience of the Sumatran people.
Low taxes and lax laws have turned Indonesia into the third largest market for tobacco products in the world. Targeted by the industry's relentless marketing, Indonesians start young and die young.
Not far from the beauty spots, Bali's villages hide disturbing secrets. The mentally ill are left untreated and possibly hundreds are held in makeshift shackles. But one doctor wants to make a difference.
Indonesia is home to thousands of refugees waiting to settle in Australia. Desperate to leave, many try their luck with people smugglers. Here's a fascinating insight into that murky world.
Prabowo Subianto is this year's dark horse in the Indonesian parliamentary elections. A self-promoted quiet goat farmer, the candidate has a few skeletons in his closet from his less than quiet military past.
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