6 films Found
It's one of the world's longest-running conflicts, defined by daily street battles and accusations of military abuse. Once again levels of violence have risen with daily battles raging - terror on Srinagar's tired streets?
The end of traditional civilisation is in sight. For the first time in human history villages across the world, once the cornerstone of the majority of the world's population, are dying out.
Baby girls are being killed so their poverty-stricken parents can avoid paying large dowries when their daughters eventually marry. Is anything being done to correct the major gender imbalance facing India?
In Uttar Pradesh, one of the poorest and most feudal areas of India, there is a long history of patriarchy, abuse and corruption. Now, an aggressive and outspoken gang of women are fighting the system.
Bodies continue to materialise from the forest, and the psychological scars of the conflict between Kashmir and India run deep. After generations of friction this film pries open what it is that fires the deep anger.
How does a deeply spiritual offering from India's poor become a must-have accessory in the salons of Europe? As fashion and faith collide, religious sacrifice is fuelling a multi-billion dollar industry.
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