74 films Found
...dioxine contaminated a small town in Italy. AfteR a delay of seveRal days, the authoRities...
On the 10th July 1976, a lethal dose of dioxine contaminated a small town in Italy. After a delay of several days, the authorities evacuated hundreds of people, but the toxic effects persist today.
...moRe than 10 yeaRs the Italian couRts have...
After more than 10 years the Italian courts have condemned the police who raided a school in Genoa during the G8 summit, injuring more than 60 protesters. We bring you unique footage of the shocking incident.
...has an unusually high peRcentage of old...
Sardinia has an unusually high percentage of old people, including the world record oldest man. Now scientists are examining the genetic make-up of these centenarians to see why that is...
...footage fRom the floods afflicting Venice oveR the past 40...
With footage from the floods afflicting Venice over the past 40 years, this beautiful film examines the relationship between Venetians and the Sea.
...still inspiRes both ReveRence and Revulsion 50 yeaRs on. The...
Mussolini still inspires both reverence and revulsion 50 years on. The town of his birthplace has capitalised on his cult-like following.
...of the mafia have tRaditionally been seen as innocent, standing by...
Women of the mafia have traditionally been seen as innocent, standing by their men and suffering in silence. But as the mafia godfathers are being jailed, or killed by rivals, it is the godmothers who are taking over.
...CRoss and the CRescent: Tensions flaRe between the...
The Cross and the Crescent: Tensions flare between the Christian right and Muslim communities in Italy.
...of the woRld's most poweRful banks could be implicated in...
Some of the world's most powerful banks could be implicated in Europe's biggest corporate scandal - the collapse of Italian dairy giant Parmalat.
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