7 films Found
...one stubborn little old lady." Produced by SBS...
Bounty hunting may be a profession traditionally associated with men but that hasn't stopped one 60-year-old woman.
...in the movement can only grow. Produced by SBS...
Dissent is growing in the military towns across America. Soldiers' families have broken rank to demand that troops be sent home from Iraq.
...for a chance of prosperity. Produced by SBS...
Citizens' militia groups patrol the US border every night, using dogs and guns to hunt down illegal immigrants.
...someone is following them." Produced by SBS...
As America debates renewing the Patriot Act, we hear from victims wrongly targeted by it. The entire Arab American community feels under suspicion.
...than environmental concerns. Produced by SBS...
The American Navy prides itself on its sophisticated equipment. However damning new evidence suggests that this technology is damaging marine ecology
...of America’s new security measures. Produced by SBS...
A 62 year old American grandmother is facing life in prison after being arrested for violating tough new anti-terror laws.
...other options have been exhausted?Produced by SBS...
America appears determined to push ahead with its plans for a regime change in Baghdad. But what would be the implications of an invasion?
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