7 films Found
...Americans have avoided their responsibility." (ABC...
The use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War means that for many the war never ended. They're still suffering the effects of chemical warfare.
...pressure they'll be for change. Produced by ABC...
The Vietnamese government is cracking down on critics of the Communist regime, imprisoning all those who dare to speak out.
...under investigation in the UK. Produced by ABC...
British American Tobacco has been accused of smuggling cigarettes into Vietnam to break the state monopoly. In the next decade, 10% of Vietnam's population will die from smoking.
...and the situation re-examined. Produced by ABC...
The Quiet American, Graham Greene's prophetic novel is being turned into a big budget Hollywood movie. It provides an insight into Greene's analysis of pre-Vietnam international politics.
...lives of these progressive youth? Produced by ABC...
It was a pointless war, everyone agrees. And now, 25 years after the fall of Saigon, we see the effects of the war on this Communist country and its relationship to the rest of the world.
...can flee at a moment's notice. Produced by ABC...
24 hours on Hanoi's famous streets.
...he has achieved his Honda dream! Produced by ABC...
An intriguing report on a national way of life. In Vietnam, bicycles are essential to the economy, for the transport of goods and people. They have a special place in Vietnam's history, but may now be under threat.
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