Journeyman Pictures
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As Obama defends his immigration overhaul, this report follows the harsh journeys of the South Americans dodging the US border control. From those that risk the perilous journey to those trying to defend the border.
Hex River Valley is home to South Africa's booming wine industry. Yet despite huge profits, the rewards for farm workers are long hours, low wages and poor health: a status quo that's feeding a growing discontent.
Inside Sierra Leone's notoriously corrupt justice system there's been an explosion in female prison rates. But some are fighting the poverty and discrimination trapping these women behind bars.
Cameroonians are imprisoned, raped and murdered if thought gay. In a troubled country where homosexuality tops the list of social concerns, violence and hate are being directed onto a suffering minority.
As NATO slowly withdraws from Afghanistan, many are nervous about the prospect of the Taliban returning to power. Those particularly at risk are women and the female activists fighting for their human rights.
More than half of Nairobi's population lives in slums. In the Mukuru slum, one of the biggest in Nairobi, a group of residents have gone to court to demand the end of forced evictions and their right to land.
The Democratic Republic of Congo has endured years of conflict and extreme levels of sexual violence. But, as this report reveals, such abuse is not confined to the battlefield; it is more than a weapon of war.
For undocumented Zimbabweans living on Johannesburg's streets, life is tough. But for two blind migrants, sharing a room in one of the city's abandoned buildings, the challenges they face are extreme.
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