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24 films Found
Should the ancient Chinese rituals of Feng Shui be translated for a European audience?
The village of Wuda lies between the Yellow River and the Gobi Desert and it's dangerously close to the coal fires beneath the earth. Burning furiously, they release as much CO2 as all the cars in Germany.
When fighting erupted, Bosnia's second largest city was torn apart creating an invisible line that still divides Mostar. But at the United World College, Bosnians and Croatians live and learn as one.
Controversial photographer Larry Fink has studied the election campaign in the barren industrial state of Pennsylvania for Vanity Fair. Following its people with his lens, he found a strong affiliation towards Obama.
2300 Nokia employees have been laid off following the factory's move to Romania. Despite record profits, the company's move to Romania is allegedly spurred by cheaper production opportunities there: 'Nokia is not an impoverished organisation by any stretch of the imagination. The company has exploited us. They have taken us for a ride - and that's putting it mildly.' Including interviews from …
Although civil partnerships are not on a totally even keel with heterosexual marriage, it is seen as a step towards a more equal society. What does the Czech Republic think of this new step?
Historian Anton Holzner searches the world collecting images of the atrocities committed by the Habsburg forces in WW1. They evoke the brutality and humiliation of the famous Abu Ghraib.
The British government claims that nuclear power is the answer to climate change. Yet, its plans for building more reactors have been met with scepticism and concerns from environmentalists.
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