4 films Found
Tibetan temples, traditions, religion, culture and art evoke a lost world in Dharamsala, India. And yet, Tibet lives in the hearts and souls of all exiles. Their most cherished dream is to return home.
On the snow-covered peaks of the Bolivian Andes seven women are undertaking an epic journey. They are the survivors and friends of survivors of domestic abuse, bound together by their experiences. Struck by severe weather, dissension and altitude sickness, the team's climb becomes a breathtaking and triumphant visual metaphor for finding the strength to overcome life's most colossal ordeals.
Reportage has become an essential part of any war, but in the Russian-Georgian conflict it is propaganda that has dominated the press. In this wonderfully sardonic documentary, an artful collision of fact and fiction exposes Russia's ongoing abuse of the mass media. A fiercely intimate narrative presence provides a very personal indictment of Russian propaganda tactics, laying bare the state's re…
Second only to Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, now known as Chelsea Manning, is the most important figure in the Wikileaks controversy. He was the US intelligence operator who leaked hundreds of thousands of secret US war files and diplomatic cables. Whilst the world watches Assange's battle to avoid imprisonment, Manning is already wasting away in solitary confinement. As the hacking world unit…
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