11 films Found
In this report South Africa's growing vigilante crisis is thrown into sharp relief when the rape of a black girl is publicly avenged
Green Tea has been lapped-up in the in the West as an eastern wonder drug for everything from cancer to heart disease. But Doctors are still questioning the real benefits.
More than 130 years after the American civil war ended civil war battles are being re-enacted with amazing passion.
The forces of liberalization are sweeping through Iran transforming the lives of the young.
In Zimbabwe, an estimated 1500 AIDS patients die every week, and there are no signs of the epidemic slowing down.
Up to 400 people perished in a brutal massacre at Suai. The yard where 1800 independence supporters cheered and yelled for independence is now a wasteland.
Deep in the rainforests of West Papua a story is emerging of a brutal massacre of innocents.
For many South Africans, law and order has collapsed. But this is a nation which is used to fighting back. 'In South African law it's permitted to even kill someone in self-defence' says the manufacturer of a car designed to emit a ball of fire if anyone tries to hijack it. He claims South Africans are tired of 'liberal Europeans' who don't understand how serious the country's crime problem is. I…
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