12 films Found
The heart of Zululand may seem an unlikely place to find the high art of opera. But here another of apartheid’s cultural barricades is crumbling.
This is the story of greed, over-trading and high borrowing which led to the collapse of Hong Kong''s Peregrine bank.
While abortion is a highly controversial subject in most of the developed world, in Japan it’s become so routine it’s accepted as a form of birth control. This extraordinary situation has developed because the contraceptive pill is banned.
A very different kind of protest is afoot on the streets of Cape Town. This is not about blacks vs. whites. This is about American hegemony.
Communist TV gave Russians what the State thought they ought to watch; democracy brought the shopping channel and live crime.
The IMF was established at the end of the Second World War to oversee exchange rates and help countries work through cash flow crises. But, now, is it doing more harm than good?
The contested Kashmir region between India and Pakistan is a battlefield like no other on earth, where the elements and not enemy fire accounts for 95% of all casualties; and the threat of nuclear attack is ever-present.
These pictures out of Papau New Guinea tell the story of an unprecedented disaster - a tsunami which killed over 3,000 people.
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