4 films Found
President Ravalomanana is scared. His people are protesting and former DJ Rajoelina has declared himself President. Yet with so much bloodshed and rioting can media shy Rajoelina''s coup ever succeed?
In Madagascar, twins are seen as harbingers of doom and are often separated, adopted out or simply left to die. But some locals along with the international community are trying to change this belief.
Fiji's Frank Bainimarama has been called a dictator and a disgrace. With the Commonwealth warning to suspend Fiji's membership if elections are not held by next year, what does Bainimarama have to say?
Five Australian journalists were murdered in East Timor in 1975. Now 34 years later and prompted by the making of a new feature film, 'Balibo', the inquiry into the Balibo Five has begun. But was there a sixth victim?
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