5 films Found
In the chaos of Manila's choked roads, a hair-rising mode of transport has evolved: trolley cars that speed through the city's rail tracks, evading frequent trains and the prying eyes of the police.
Politics in the Philippines can be a deadly business - with colourful campaigns marred by political violence, it's a dangerous game. Is there any chance of change in this corrupt and turbulent system?
Hero or villain, Julian Assange stunned the world when he leaked more than 90,000 war files. Accompanying Assange through every step of the unfolding drama, this report reveals a man on a mission.
Geert Wilders has gone from right-wing loony to kingmaker of Holland's new coalition government. Not content with this meteoric rise, the man who wants to ban the Koran is now taking his message global.
Julian Assage, the founder of Wikileaks, has remained shrouded in mystery since the launch of his site in 2006. This fascinating expose reveals the man behind the leaks.
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