4 films Found
Are we replacing marine life with an endless plastic wasteland with our waste?
Pacific island nations have called for greater control over destructive fishing methods and overfishing, which they say are threatening our ecosystem, the life of local fishermen and a multi-billion industry.
Through seven Arctic winters, this doc takes you into the world of the Inuit and Eider ducks on the Belcher Islands. Traditional and modern life are juxtaposed, as Inuit and Eiders face the challenges posed by changing sea ice and ocean currents disrupted by the massive hydro dams powering North America. A devastatingly beautiful picture of two species living in symbiotic union and their way of l…
In China's Shanxi province the rate of children born with congenital defects is six times the national average. With many of these infants abandoned, a remarkable figure has embarked on a heartbreaking mission.
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