4 films Found
...shivering barefoot on the floor. Produced by Old Street...
A Dutch lorry driver and a Chinese interpreter have been convicted over the deaths of 58 Chinese who suffocated in the back of a lorry to Dover in June 2000. Piece by piece we painstakingly map the intricate network of those truly responsible for the trade in human lives - the snakeheads in Rotterdam and London.
Africa suffers millions of preventable deaths. The price of drugs to cure or allay the symptoms of diseases such as AIDS and sleeping sickness are simply unaffordable for anyone living in poverty.
...it could happen again anywhere. Produced by Old Street...
She’s known as the leper of the sea, a ship with 30,000 tons of petrol now stranded on the high seas off Malta, with no country prepared to give her shelter.
There could be as many as 15 million children world-wide who have lost one or both parents through AIDS. This film covers the struggle of one Ugandan village to cope with the growing number of AIDS orphans; a generation of children who are also losing their land rights and education.
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