186 films Found
In 1937, Japanese troops entered the Chinese city of Nanking and began raping and murdering its citizens in an orgy of violence that has few parallels in modern history. This polished film follows the struggle of one young woman to bring one of the darkest chapters of history to light.
With one in three Iraqis in need of emergency aid, many families are being sustained by free charity meals. One of the hardest hit groups is Iraqi Christians, targeted by both Sunnis and Shias.
The Philippines is seen as one of the frontlines in the War of Terror. But dubbing local armed groups terrorists seems to be making the situation worse.
Olivier has one of the finest private collections of official cars anywhere. His mythical, historic beauties include a Popemobile, John F. Kennedy's Lincoln and Leonid Brezhnev's Zyl. One could argue that he takes his obsession one step too far - sleeping in his motors most nights
Africa is in the grip of a medical crisis because its doctors are being lured away by lucrative jobs in Europe. Malawi now only has one doctor for every 50,000 people.
No one knows how many civilians have been killed accidentally by US troops in Iraq. This moving report examines several 'wrongful deaths' in Kirkuk.
Hyena Square in Dar Es Salaam is the favoured hang out for Tanzania's young prostitutes. Their heartbreaking stories reveal brutal histories of poverty and exploitation, yet they still find hope for the future.
Zimbabwe was once one of the most prosperous nations in Africa. Today it now has the lowest life expectancy and highest inflation rate in the world. Life has become an everyday struggle for survival.
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