139 films Found
For 18 years of his adult life, Anthony was incapable of feeding anything but his drug habit. Now he has managed to pull himself out of his murky past, his future is looking brighter.
Of the hundreds of terrorist suspects sent abroad by the US to be tortured, few have returned home. We hear from one of the few who has.
Amid the carnage and twisted rubble in Phuket the desperate search for loved ones goes on. But with the death toll rising hourly, hope is fading.
The rapists and ethnic cleansers of Darfur are still at work. Threats and three UN resolutions have changed little as the world's worst humanitarian crisis deteriorates.
HIV infected women in Russian prisons are generally treated with little sympathy. But one woman is determined to help them.
Even before he helped mastermind the Madrid bombings, Amer Aziz was one of Europe's most wanted terrorists. So why wasn't he apprehended?
Hopes that Yasser Arafat's death will give the peace movement fresh impetus rest heavily on one man: Dr Mustafa Barghouhti.
The mass disenfranchisement of the last American election has created a political movement aimed at mobilising the young.
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