- Year 1997
- Country Bangladesh
- Any
- Afghanistan 6
- Africa 5
- Albania 1
- Algeria 1
- Angola 2
- Argentina 2
- Asia 1
- Australia 22
- Austria 1
- Bahrain 1
- Bangladesh 1
- Belgium 3
- Bermuda 1
- Bhutan 2
- Bolivia 1
- Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
- Brazil 9
- Bulgaria 1
- Burkina Faso 2
- Burundi 1
- Cambodia 5
- Cameroon 1
- Canada 5
- Chile 2
- China 15
- Colombia 5
- DRC 3
- Cote D'Ivoire 1
- Croatia 2
- Cuba 3
- Czech Republic 1
- Denmark 6
- Eastern Europe 3
- Egypt 1
- Ethiopia 2
- Finland 2
- France 4
- French Guiana 2
- Gambia 1
- Georgia 2
- Germany 6
- Greenland 1
- Guatemala 3
- Hungary 1
- India 14
- Indonesia 5
- Iran, Islamic Republic of 3
- Iraq 1
- Ireland 2
- Israel/Palestine 19
- Italy 10
- Japan 4
- Kenya 2
- North Korea 2
- South Korea 1
- Lao Peoples Democratic Republic 1
- Lebanon 1
- Liberia 1
- Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 2
- Malawi 1
- Malta 1
- Mauritania 1
- Mexico 2
- Mongolia 1
- Morocco 1
- Mozambique 1
- Myanmar 2
- Nauru 1
- Nepal 1
- Netherlands 6
- New Zealand 3
- Niger 1
- Nigeria 3
- Norway 2
- Pacific 1
- Pakistan 5
- Papua New Guinea 1
- Peru 2
- Philippines 2
- Poland 1
- Portugal 1
- Puerto Rico 1
- Qatar 1
- Russian Federation 4
- Rwanda 1
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1
- Saudi Arabia 2
- Serbia 2
- Sierra Leone 1
- Singapore 1
- Slovakia 1
- Somalia 1
- South Africa 16
- Spain 1
- Sri Lanka 1
- Sudan 2
- Sweden 3
- Switzerland 8
- Syrian Arab Republic 5
- Togo 1
- Turkey 2
- Uganda 1
- Ukraine 5
- United Kingdom 19
- United States 57
- Uzbekistan 1
- Vanuatu 1
- World 42
- Zambia 2
- Zimbabwe 3
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