3 films Found
What do you do when you're a journalist and your editor is demanding an exclusive story for the front page? At News of the World you employed a foul-mouthed private investigator with a criminal record to steal the information you needed. As this investigative documentary shows, the News of the World had for many years operated an industrial-scale phone hacking enterprise to get their scoops, hack…
Consumerism has become the cornerstone of the post-industrial age. Yet how much do we know about it and what it is doing to us? Using theories of evolutionary psychology to underpin a bold narrative of our times, this film takes a whirlwind tour through the "weird mental illness of consumerism", showing how our insatiable appetite has driven us into "the jaws of the beast". Both an apocalyptic an…
In this exclusive footage Zoe Young investigates how an undercover policewoman embedded herself with a Rebel Clown Army, but seemingly aided them to expand and strengthen.
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