10 films Found
During an unusually mild and wet summer, how did a wildfire manage to claim the lives of 99 people in the Greek seaside haven of Mati? Is climate change or years of austerity to blame?
Every week up to 2000 migrants land on the Greek island Kos. Just 5km from Turkey it's a route to the EU previously little exploited. Now rich holiday makers share the idyllic beaches with desperate immigrants.
With one thousand workers losing their job every day, Greeks have had to find some way to survive. As this fascinating report shows, many have done that by returning from the desolate cities to the farms.
Greece is facing severe austerity measures as its debt crisis threatens Euro zone stability. This report delves into the problems of corruption and tax-avoidance at the heart of its meltdown.
Sappho the Ancient Greek poet, muse and claimed by some as the world's first feminist, became a gay icon for women. Soon her birthplace, Lesbos, was adopted as a name for gay women all over the world.
During the British occupation of Greece, Lord Elgin ordered his men to saw the Parthenon's marble in half to decorate his home back in England. Now Greece wants to unite the halves in its modern museum.
The mountains of Greece once teemed with wild bears. Now, only a few hundred remain. However, one Greek tycoon is determined to help them avoid extinction.
Muslim workers angry at their treatment by Greek authorities are calling on Islamic nations to boycott the Olympics.
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