26 films Found
...is cheapeR to hiRe a qualified nuRse fRom the Philippines,...
It is cheaper to hire a qualified nurse from the Philippines, than it is to train one in Britain. And the agencies managing this recruiting process have been accused of ruthlessly exploiting the nurses in question.
...Philippines is home to Abu Sayyaf - an Islamic teRRoRist gRoup that even Bin Laden is said to...
The Philippines is home to Abu Sayyaf - an Islamic terrorist group that even Bin Laden is said to regard as too extreme. We follow reporter Jonathon Miller as he undertakes a dangerous journey into the terrorist group's heartland to understand why young Filipinos are joining this organisation.
...the buzzing metRopolis of Manila, one shelteR gives hope to some...
In the buzzing metropolis of Manila, one shelter gives hope to some of the thousands of children sleeping rough on the street.
...pRospect of a movie staR becoming pResident of the...
The prospect of a movie star becoming president of the Philippines has triggered fears of a military coup.
...SeptembeR 11, the US has RegaRded Mindanao as a majoR...
Since September 11, the US has regarded Mindanao as a major focus in the War on Terror. But this is creating tensions with the Filipino government, who fear it's enflaming the Muslim insurgency.
...months, five politicians accused of plotting to...
For months, five politicians accused of plotting to overthrow President Arroyo have been camped out in Congress. Only now can they leave their strange prison
...at Cebu aRe consideRed the most...
Prisoners at Cebu are considered the most dangerous offenders in the Philippines. But thanks to four hours of dance lessons a day, their behaviour has been transformed.
...see it as the ultimate sign of Religious devotion. EveRy yeaR on Good FRiday, a...
They see it as the ultimate sign of religious devotion. Every year on Good Friday, a small group of Catholic men are crucified. Scores of others don crowns of thorns and flagellate themselves.
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