46 films Found
There are 8 to 10 thousand forced marriages in the UK every year. As authorities are accused of taking 'honour' crimes too lightly, girls who resist or refuse a marriage can face abuse, torture, even death.
Drawing more than 50,000 tourists every year, the iconic moai statues of Rapa Nui are falling apart. Whilst debates continue over how to preserve them, locals also face a struggle over their independence.
It's what post-Fukushima Japan fears the most; cancer. Three years after the worst nuclear disaster in a generation, there is growing evidence that a cancer cluster has developed and the victims are children.
The squeezed American middle class has been at breaking point for some time. Now with politicians reluctant to raise the minimum wage and food stamps being cut, the social consequences could be devastating.
Major Marc Dauphin was a super-confident, can-do medic fixing shattered bodies and trying to save lives as he ploughed through relentless shifts at the military hospitals in the world in Kandahar Air Base, Afghanistan. But how exactly are you supposed to return to normality from such an extreme existence?
This 2013 report exposes the licensed vigilantism from Russia's 'gay propaganda laws'. We revisit this short in light of troubling reports of mass arrests and murder of gay men in Chechnya.
A newly relaxed Myanmar and a ravenous Chinese drug culture has sparked a drugs boom that is spreading fast. With unprecedented access to China's drug cops this report exposes the struggle to contain the problem.
Researchers are growing artificial body parts and printing human tissue from the cells of their patients.
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