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32 films Found
At the time of year when our concern for the elderly is particularly strong, we travel to Japan, the world's oldest nation, to discover the secret to dealing with advancing age. But have they got the answers?
It's an ongoing debate around the world - nuclear power or green energy? Nuclear developments continue to inspire global protests, but are the magic words 'renewable energy' really a viable alternative?
Burkino Faso is one of the world's poorest nations, plagued by drought and disease. Yet its ethnically diverse population is determined to pull together and help themselves to change their situation.
Across the Western world education has become big business, as parents clamour to prepare their child for today's competitive society. With babies being taught to read, has common sense gone out the window?
A violent online game has added a sinister twist to the protests over the construction of minarets in Austria. As the debate rages on, is such propaganda gaining a dangerous influence?
Venice is sinking under its ever-increasing influx of tourists. With a council that is determined to spend its tight budget on accommodating more of these invaders, the locals are growing impatient.
As the 'Fairtrade' label establishes a global reputation for ethical produce, this report goes to the roots of the business in the Dominican republic and asks - is it really promoting a fair trade?
As France moves ever closer to banning the burqa, French residents discuss whether the ban should go ahead and what the burqa represents.
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