42 films Found
As US forces continue their efforts to mop up Taliban resistance, our report shows that the war in Afghanistan is a long way from over. Travelling the dangerous route from Kabul to Jalalabad to Bamian, our crew discovers that tribal warlords are well on the way to returning the country to feudalism.
A chilling account of the creation of the most remote and secretive US military base in the world, created at the expense of the islanders who lived there.
Over five million Afghans were displaced in the five years between 1997 and 2002. Now they are flooding back, putting huge pressure on humanitarian organisations and the Afghan government.
Food aid intended to save the lives of the starving is being held back by the Zambian government due to concerns over the safety of genetically modified food.
It's little more than a decade since the Velvet Revolution. But, already, the fledgling democracy has been derailed by political scandal, and disillusioned Czechs are now turning in their droves back to Communism.
In May 2002 UN Secretary General Kofi Annan handed control of East Timor to Xanana Gusmao. Three months on, we go back to discover his infant government is experiencing some teething problems.
The Great White Hunter is back. But in the rolling savannah of the South African outback, we discover how paying hunters are swapping bullets for far more noble ammunition.
We get to the heart of the rebel movement in war torn Aceh, and give the lowdown on the dirty war the Indonesian government have been trying to keep under wraps for so many years.
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