33 films Found
...of poor harvests, there are concerns that the Bubble of prosperity may burst without warning....
Short supply and rising demand have made vanilla more valuable than silver in Madagascar. Farmers and hustlers are getting rich quick, but there are worries that the market could suddenly collapse.
..."ASMR helps me relax and live in my own little Bubble, where I can fully focus on what I’m...
Videos of ordinary individuals caressing tactile objects and speaking in hushed tones are becoming a cult YouTube phenomenon. The soothing sounds produce ASMR, automatic sensory meridian response.
...good urban forward planning or an economic Bubble that's about to burst?Tianduchenga, a near...
In the world's most populated country there are dozens of empty cities and more are being built every year. Is China's 'build-mentality' good urban forward planning or an economic bubble that's about to burst?
...- a sealed pool of pig waste, trapping methane Bubbles emissions that are used as fuel - are...
Costa Rica is a tiny country with big plans. By replacing conventional agricultural practices with cheap, low-carbon technologies it is aiming to become the world's first carbon-neutral country by 2021.
The $50 billion fracking industry claims to be a cleaner carbon-fuel alternative. Yet farmers and environmentalists disagree, describing rivers bubbling with methane and bore water polluted with chemicals.
From the icy wastelands of North Dakota, an energy revolution is transforming global politics. Shale gas has made the US gas-independent, but at what cost to the environment, Europe and Middle-Eastern stability?
...of the global financial crisis. When the Bubble burst in Ireland, expensive horses were...
This shocking 2013 investigation reveals the Irish roots of the horsemeat scandal, uncovering a criminal harvest of thousands of horses, which netted millions and stretches well beyond Ireland's borders.
Whilst China woos investors at the Shanghai Expo, residents are abandoning the city in search of more affordable housing. Shanghai is rapidly becoming one of the most expensive cities to buy property in the world.
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