5 films Found
...as father and daughter. We may have the DNA Link showing that we are blood related, but that...
For thirteen years Kiwi Sarah and Englishman Steve have been in love; for all intents in purposes they are a couple. Except Sarah and Steve are no ordinary couple - they are biological father and daughter.
...for China - if small separatist groups here Link with Taliban insurgents across the border,...
Ever since the violence between Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese, a fear of fanaticism has taken hold. Is the government's decision to demolish the Uighur area Kashgar really due to an earthquake threat?
...of 5 mountain gorillas was discovered and Links were made to an illegal Charcoal trade...
At the heart of the war in the DRC sits Virunga National Park, home to the rare mountain gorillas. As rebels took over, the rangers protecting the gorillas were forced to leave them to an uncertain fate.
...the Rollings read that the orphanage had been Linked to a kidnapping scandal, they became...
Over the past couple of decades, hundreds of Indian children have been kidnapped and sold to Western countries. Despite the exposure of the illegal baby trade, Indian authorities seem powerless to stop it.
...security. 'I'm not a terrorist, I have no Link to terrorist organisations! They don't want...
Thousands of Palestinians who hold a foreign passport and have a legal right to return to their homeland are being denied entry by Israel. As an occupying force, Israel has the duty to allow the population to move freely but its control of the checkpoints remains absolute and unchallenged. This film highlights the plight of Palestinian families torn apart by this arbitrary policy.
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