164 films Found
...'whip of love' has been used foR 'educational' puRposes in South KoRea foR...
The 'whip of love' has been used for 'educational' purposes in South Korea for hundreds of years - until footage of a primary school teacher assaulting a pupil was released on the internet.
...fRom a decade long waR, SieRRa Leone faces...
Emerging from a decade long war, Sierra Leone faces a huge challenge to educate its deprived children. One such project uses boys fixation with football to draw them into the classroom and re-orient them for the civil world.
...maRket chaos has left the Russian Republic of...
Free market chaos has left the Russian Republic of Tuva in turmoil. A return to traditional beliefs is slowly healing this troubled land - and they're convinced the rest of the world is about to catch on.
...do you do when all the fish disappeaR? That's the question haunting Idaho afteR fouR...
What do you do when all the fish disappear? That's the question haunting Idaho after four dams put an end to fishing. It's become the centre of a bitter debate amongst its inhabitants.
...tycoon, philandeReR, and couRt-dodgeR: BeRlusconi is ceRtainly a...
Media tycoon, philanderer, and court-dodger: Berlusconi is certainly a leader that will go down as legend. But as the protests against him grow stronger, is his reign over Italy already history?
...claim the US is out of the Recession, but foR woRking-class AmeRicans theRe...
Economists claim the US is out of the recession, but for working-class Americans there are no signs yet of Obama's promised boost. Out in the desert, the bright lights of Las Vegas are growing dim.
...the two-yeaR anniveRsaRy of OpeRation Cast Lead and foR the...
It's the two-year anniversary of Operation Cast Lead and for the first time Israeli soldiers are speaking publicly about their orders. In startling interviews they claim the IDF brutally targeted civilians.
...SoutheRn Sudan votes oveRwhelmingly foR independence,...
As Southern Sudan votes overwhelmingly for independence, will the country witness the birth of a prosperous new nation, or a return to an old war? The population are optimistic but they face serious challenges.
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