Fundamentalist Majority

Radicalism is sweeping the nation of Pakistan

Fundamentalist Majority Our report examines the growth of radicalism in Pakistan, and the risk of conflict spreading throughout this volatile region.
Our report examines the growth of radicalism in Pakistan, and the risk of conflict spreading throughout this volatile region. There are already a number of “jihadi” parties in Pakistan, ready to join the Taliban in a holy war against the West: “Our history, our religion and blood and culture are the same,” says one leader. It is a sentiment shared by large numbers of the Pakistani population, and one that is causing many worries for the country’s moderate rulers, especially since Musharraf’s declaration of support for the US. ”He’s on a knife edge. I would not like to be in his position,” admits Pakistani politician, Imran Khan. Radicalism is sweeping the nation, reaching even the traditionally moderate sections of the population: “We are all extremists, because we are all Muslims and our beliefs are the same,” says one aspiring doctor. With feelings like these riding high, there is real danger that a US attack on Afghanistan will end up destabilising the entire region.

Contains footage of American flag being burnt / set on fire

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