Tamil Trouble

The Tamils' fight for freedom continues against all odds

Tamil Trouble A look into the organisation of the Tamil Tigers, who despite being heavily outnumbered continue to fight against government forces.
The Tamil Tigers, the Tamils' guerrilla force, should have been wiped out years ago. Their opposition, the Sri Lankan national army, is 60,000 strong, and has access to quality weaponry and aircraft. The Tigers on the the other hand have an estimated 5,000-10,000 soldiers, and inferior weaponry. Yet their guerrilla warfare tactics are paying off, and their fight for independence continues. Yet this continuation isn't without its consequences; the death toll continues to rise, thousands flee their homes, and the bodies of boys as young as 12 have been found on the front line. This film reports from Tamil controlled Sri Lanka, and investigates the repercussion of the civil war and those fighting for Tamil freedom.

Produced by Scott White Enterprises


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