Hare Hunting

Hare Hunting This Spanish documentary follows a competition of hare-hunting with hound dogs (the galgos), an old Spanish tradition that brings together male enthusiasts of all ages and, more than a sport, represents a life-style handed down from father to son. This film features enthusiastic members of several federations of galgos hunting, vets, hound breeders and aficionados. They explain throughout the film the historical and cultural background of the sport, its rules, and their passion for it.
01:31- riders on horseback
02:30- hounds running
03:10- hound chasing a hare
03:38- Aniceto Barroso, ex-president of the Fed. Andaluza Galgos
04:19- hounds chasing a hare
05:16- hounds catching the hare
05:24- onlookers gathered on the side
05:28- man holding two hounds with a short leash, running with them and letting go
07:02- ancient drawings of hounds and hunter
07:19- Francisco Salamanca, veterinarian (hound specialist)
07:39- drawings of hounds as seen by different cultures in different times
08:45- early 20th century photographs of hounds with their owners
09:30- Luis Bravo, spokesman for the Club Nacional del Galgo Espanol
10:21- Luis's son explains why he also loves it.
10:46- Jose Maria Lalanda, President of the Fed. Espanola de Galgos
10:56- Juan Ruiz Filigrana, aficionado
12:36- fans gathered, men of all ages
13:07- men having a picnic before the competition, singing and clapping.
14:32- history of the Federation since 1939
16:04- Jose Maria Lalanda explains the rules of the competition.
19:11- referee on the field, his role is explained.
20:41- Joao Moura, hound breeder
21:31- close up of a hare racing through a field
22:40- close up of a hunter's legs and a dead hare dangling head down
23:35- man singing in Andalusian style
26:16- hound training
26:40- vet on taking proper care of hounds
29:06- winner of the competition awarded the green ribbon.

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