7 films Found
While Switzerland is a country of neutrality, an investigation has shown that Swiss-made weapons can be found on battlefields around the world. One aircraft has been shown to be used in Afghanistan.
The Taliban have been in power in Afghanistan since August. Since then, they have been consolidating their rule. However, some resistance groups continue to be active, especially in the Panshir Valley.
US forces are now withdrawing from Afghanistan and violence is escalating sharply. As the withdrawal begins, women especially fear a return to peace under a resurgent Taliban.
Between 2007 and 2008, renowned photojournalist John D. McHugh followed the US military during its campaign in Afghanistan. His report provided a glimpse into a typical day in a war ravaged nation for both foreign soldiers and local citizens alike.
While the world has focused on Iraq, the situation in Afghanistan has slowly deteriorated. As this embed report reveals, soldiers constantly come under attack.
We spend several days with the marines tasked with restoring order in Afghanistan in time for the elections.
In south Afghanistan, the 'War on Terror' is dwindling following US military success. Yet as feudalism returns, the US appears to be striking up dubious deals with powerful drug barons.
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