4 films Found
Spain is in the midst of its most serious political crisis in 40 years. As the Spanish cabinet roundly reject Catalonia's decade-long drive for independence, what is next for the divided region?
Barcelona FC has long been a rallying point for the Catalans' call for independence. With Spain in crisis and passions running higher than ever, next year's referendum looks set to shake the country to its core.
The campaign for Basque independence has long divided opinion. Now that the 'Nelson Mandela' of the violent ETA separatist movement has been released from prison, can there finally be a reconciliation?
Al-Jazeera reporter Taysir Alluni was convicted in 2005 on terrorism charges – a conviction which a European court later found to be not legal. Alluni has always maintained his innocence. This SBS report investigates the trial against Alluni just weeks before he was convicted.
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