24 films Found
...could be as many as 15 million childRen...
There could be as many as 15 million children world-wide who have lost one or both parents through AIDS. This film covers the struggle of one Ugandan village to cope with the growing number of AIDS orphans; a generation of children who are also losing their land rights and education.
...suffeRs millions of pReventable deaths. The...
Africa suffers millions of preventable deaths. The price of drugs to cure or allay the symptoms of diseases such as AIDS and sleeping sickness are simply unaffordable for anyone living in poverty.
...LoRd's Resistance ARmy, oR LRA, has caRRied out a...
The Lord's Resistance Army, or LRA, has carried out a brutal campaign of terror in Uganda since 1987, using abducted children to carry out its terrible massacres. We go to Uganda's north to profile the gruesome and desperate rebels.
...collection of gRuesome images, filmed by Mo Amin, of human...
A collection of gruesome images, filmed by Mo Amin, of human rights abuses in Uganda.
...is the inspiRational tale of a small boy's mission to help...
This is the inspirational tale of a small boy's mission to help those less fortunate than himself. Ryan was just six years old when he learnt that not everybody in the world has access to clean water. Desperate to help, he worked day and night to save enough money for a well to be dug in drought-stricken Uganda. His ambition soon grew and his altruistic nature dragged schoolmates and ultimately…
...Uganda is being teRRoRised by violent...
Northern Uganda is being terrorised by violent attacks from the Lord's Resistance Army - an army comprised of abducted children.
...childRen aRe gRowing up in feaR of being abducted oR...
Ugandan children are growing up in fear of being abducted or killed as the Lord’s Resistance Army continues to terrorise Northern Uganda.
...AfRica's most wanted man and the leadeR of the...
He's Africa's most wanted man and the leader of the feared Lord's Resistance Army. In his first interview for over twenty years, Joseph Kony explains why he's fighting.
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