57 films Found
At the time of year when our concern for the elderly is particularly strong, we travel to Japan, the world's oldest nation, to discover the secret to dealing with advancing age. But have they got the answers?
God's waiting room has never been so energetic! These baseball players must stay in tiptop shape to be able to qualify for the team, proving that the number 75 year olds are still going strong and could give anyone a run for their money.
The Gulf Coast oil spill has reopened old wounds for those affected by the Exxon Valdez disaster 21 years ago. The beautiful Alaskan backdrop now provides the setting for a community that's never recovered.
In the picturesque heart of the Swiss Alps, bovine beauties battle it out to be crowned the ultimate cow fighter. It's an ancient tradition steeped in the lives of the Valaisan people.
As more of us turn away from institutional religion, what becomes of our need of spirituality and contemplation? In this report we look at the millennia-old human fascination with labyrinths.
The political context of Israel may be set to change forever. Yet as a growing number of Jewish women reject the age-old tradition of the headscarf, a local battle tests Israel's capacity to change.
Christians have lived in Iraq for 2,000 years but this Christmas they're not celebrating. Under increasing attack from Islamic fundamentalists are they about to be driven from their ancestral homeland?
The militias of the DRC use rape as a tactic of war, even male rape. Now they're throwing kidnapping into the terrible mix. They're combining their sexual desires with fund raising.
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