349 films Found
For most Afghan women, the promises made following the fall of the Taliban are not being fulfilled. Honour killings are on the increase and women face violence whenever they try to claim their rights.
Generations passed through the iron gates of Chatham Dock Yard. Behind the walls giant cogs whirred, men and women lived segregated lives and bells chimed the hours. It was a community that scarcely changed in 300 years. Told in their own words, Ropemakers charts the history of the men and women who worked in the Yard. A lyrical and intimate portrait of a lost world.
The Philippines is seen as one of the frontlines in the War of Terror. But dubbing local armed groups terrorists seems to be making the situation worse.
In 1937, Japanese troops entered the Chinese city of Nanking and began raping and murdering its citizens in an orgy of violence that has few parallels in modern history. This polished film follows the struggle of one young woman to bring one of the darkest chapters of history to light.
To whom does Kosovo belong? Albanians and Serbs have been fighting for supremacy over the area for centuries. The ethnic border runs along the river in Mitrovica, with Albanians living in the south and Serbs in the north. NATO soldiers keep both sides apart.
In southern Iraq we see how Britain has left Basra in the grip of brutal militias with rival gangs desperately vying for power and influence. These days, the remaining Brits never leave their Basra base. Outside fear rules.
Before the election, the police were suspected of murdering hundreds of members of the violent Mungiki militia. Now Kikuyu politicians are accused of enlisting the Mungiki against opposition supporters.
Hyena Square in Dar Es Salaam is the favoured hang out for Tanzania's young prostitutes. Their heartbreaking stories reveal brutal histories of poverty and exploitation, yet they still find hope for the future.
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